What the reviews say

Göttinger Tageblatt:
„In the first half of the concert, the soloist presented herself as a highly cultivated singer with an enormous vocal range, radiant high notes, and lively musical expression in many qualities of expression, with the aria of Gilda “Caro nome” from Verdi’s “Rigoletto” and the aria of Musette “Quando me’n vo” from Puccini’s “La Bohème.“…

„Hartová had changed her wardrobe for her contributions in the second half of the evening. She sang the coloratura-rich aria “Je veux vivre” from Gounod’s “Romeo and Juliet” and the winking and mischievous aria “Mein Herr Marquis” from Johann Strauss’s “Die Fledermaus” in brilliant red. She drew the characters of the figures sharply contoured with different voice colors, of which she had a wealth of nuances at her disposal.“

Magazin Harmonie:
„The next aria of Gilda from Verdi´s Rigoletto was sung by Eva Hartová, who is, after her studies in Prague and in Weimar, already a soloist of the Northbohemian Theatre (Severočeské divadlo) in Ústí nad Labem. In the aria Gualtier Maldè!… caro nome she fully developed her coloratour sopran with amazing, beautifully sung high notes, and with her fine expression, maturity and exceptional brightness she captivated the audience, her performance belonged to the best ones.“